The FitMomInAction post-natal approach is global: it includes mind and body, like any FitMomInAction course.
This workshop takes in big consideration the pelvic floor, as the core of the pelvic functionality, the breathing patterns and all the motor skills that, step by step, have to be recovered after giving birth.
You will be able to prevent yourself from the most common trainer’s mistakes that can be crucial to determine your relationship with your clients, and learn how to create a progression “from 0 movement to workout”.
The curse alternate theory and practical elements, in order to give you the perfect knowledge to share with your clients and to better understand how this peculiar condition requires attention.
The most complete, useful and ready to use post-natal workshop is waiting for you.
- How to focus on breathing patterns for diastasis recti recovery,
- How to help your client to self-check their diastasis recti condition,
- How to help your client to recovery from any diastasis recti condition that does not requires surgery,
- How to create a progression to get the postnatal moms to workout safely,
- How to avoid the most common trainer’s mistakes dealing with a postnatal condition,
- How to go from basic movements to complex and challenging exercise for the core,
- How to custom your workouts for complete and excellent service.
8:00 – 9:00 Check in
9:00 – 12:00 Education – first part
12:00 – 13:00 Break
13:00 – 16:00 Education – second part
TRAINER: Giovanna Ventura - Fitness & Mindset Coach.
Giovanna has been in the fitness industry for 33 years. She has been one of the youngest trainers for the biggest Italian Fitness School, Federazione Italiana Fitness.
She has a Cognitive Psychology PhD, she is a pluricertified Personal Trainer and Mental Coach (NLP Society, Richard Bandler).
Giovanna runs her own business, Train With Brain®, a society that delivers online fitness training, coaching and education. She created the FitMomInAction® program in 2001 and now she is traveling through Europe, Usa and Middle East to spread her knowledge.
- Bring towels and drinks for avoiding dishidratation during all day practice.
- Also, bring an EMPTY BACKPACK for practical requirements.
- Students will be provided with manuals in electronic format, via e-mail.
- Better bring all necessary for taking notes when demanded by trainers.
- Video is not allowed: Only in very specific moments of the education under trainer acceptance and supervision.
- The workshop is taught in English and the manual is written in English.
*For logistic reasons, some modifications may appear in the program of the course. These will be announced in due time for a better organization of the course.