Kettlebell is a MUST for Personal Trainers and for those who want to teach and lead functional trainings. An update instructor must know at least the basis of the Kettlebell training. For this we have prepared a new Ghirasport certification in Romania with Oleh Ilika. Oleh is a Legend in this field, he is recordman worldwide recognized in various Kettlebell disciplines and has been also coach for different national teams at world championships… You can tip “Oleh Ilika” on Google or Youtube and you will understand the caliber of this master we bring to you exclusively in Romania.
This course is highly recommended for all trainers no matter you come from Group Fitness, Aerobic background or Personal Training. Come and train with us. One special day with Oleh is a unique experience you will never forget.
You will learn:
- History of Kettlebell/Ghira
- Specific Warm Up
- Swing
- Push Press
- Snatch
Trainer: Oleh Ilika
He is vicepresident of the International GiraSport Federation. World Recordman in different Kettlebell specialties and has also Guinness record too. His curriculum is really too long for resume it in few lines. You can have more info also by visiting,
Important Information:
Students will be provided with manuals in electronic format, via email. Better bring all necessary for taking notes when demanded by trainers. Video is not allowed: Only in very specific moments of the education under trainer acceptance and supervision.
Better bring large wrist protections and weight training gloves. Otherwise, also box/combat bands are effective for protect hands sking and forearms.
Attending to that Course each Instructor will have:
- WCSFEnglish Manual complete of photographies with all movement and techniques in the program
A unique opportunity to get certified by the first international federation in the world, the oldest and technically more advanced, the one who organizes the world championship, the unique with different recognitions at Olympic Committee level.
Kettlebell original name, GIRA was developed in Russia since centuries and has get a privileged place into the strength forms of sports in the last years. Amount are the benefits that it brings.
Because of this, also many forms of functional training use kettlebells in their programs. It becomes highly necessary for the trainers to know the best and safest technique.
If you really want to know about Kettlebell training, there’s no better way to start or to improve your own skills. The best federation now in Romania together with MOVE ON.
Oleh Ilika (Ukraine)
Level 1 Education will be carried out by Oleh Ilika, official, National Coach of Italian and French Team, with more than 20 podiums at World Championship level among his career.
Oleh has been in the Russian Army for years, in the famous Spetnaz and Vimpel Corps, he has a Physical Education and Sport Sciences Degree and has been competing in different sports as Karate, Militar Sambo and Militar Triathlon, before to start with Kettlebells. He has a huge sport background that he loves to share in his education all across the world.
He has been medalist for more than 20 times in different categories of Kettlebell competitions with his teams and competitors. He is International Judge, and official embassador with 2 gold medals for his promoting services.
Currently he lives in Italy, from where he travels to all world promoting the sport. He has also founded the International Kettlebell Lifting Training Center in Italy (Milano) where athletes from all the world come for improve their performance.
Is a real honor to have him in Bucharest.
More info:
For logistic reasons, some modifications may appear in the program of the course. These will be announced in due time for a better organization of the course.